Just for a change....

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an old original
Posts: 110
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Just for a change....

Post by an old original » Sat Jul 20, 2013 6:17 am

getting a bit bored ;) seeing all these neat, tidy and very clean engine bays appearing on here, so here's mine.....
DSCN0833.JPG (219.79 KiB) Viewed 36817 times

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Re: Just for a change....

Post by arrian » Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:17 am

Looks fine to me! Why is there a bolt in your boost solenoid outlet? How much boost do you get now? On mine there is a sandstone vent thing on the end so the air can escape.

an old original
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Re: Just for a change....

Post by an old original » Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:54 pm

The stoney thing broke off years ago and I don't think there's any chance of getting a direct replacement. (unless you've got a secret stash somewhere!!)

I still get about 4psi which is enough at the moment as the gearbox/transfer gears sound like they're on their last legs! More whine than all the women I work with,...well almost

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Re: Just for a change....

Post by arrian » Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:06 pm

If you take the bolt out you'll get your missing 3 psi back! The stone thing is basically the same as the airstones they use in aquariums it's just to keep debris out of the solenoid. Unfortunately I don't have a spare one.

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Re: Just for a change....

Post by paul » Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:53 pm

correct the bolt will cause problems, I had a broken fitting on mine they are fragile, I got an airstone as suggested, drilled out the centre, arraldited it onto the fitting, and then coloured it in with a black permanent marker... looked fine.. I was lucky enough to find an original used valve with airstone a couple of years ago.

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Re: Just for a change....

Post by robr1006 » Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:15 am

Do I recall that yours is the car that is used everyday and has covered probably more miles than all the other (english spec) ERA's added together?

Your engine bay looks good! Your car does not seem to be fitted with the shortened/adapted heater elbow to take the airflow from the auxilary water radiator out through the inner wing - was it always this way? Mine was missing when I bought the car so I made it, as the factory did, from a standard part - not sure it makes much difference - but with the cooling marginal I figured she could do with all the help she could get!!

I like the updated "Millers Oil Sticker"

an old original
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Re: Just for a change....

Post by an old original » Mon Jul 22, 2013 6:48 pm

You're right Robr1006, it's upto 203,000 miles now.

The heater elbow duct disappeared years ago, I think it was when I took the engine out to do gearbox no2 (about 1994) I figured on having a bit less clutter in the way under the bonnet and never put it back. I've moved house three times since so it's long gone. As for cooling, it doesn't seem to be affected by its loss, cruising at 70 for half-an-hour or bombing around the lanes in this hot weather and it's quite happy at just under 90 degrees.

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Re: Just for a change....

Post by robr1006 » Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:40 am

Starship mileage!

I thought it was you, I have enjoyed reading your experiences during your long ownership.

Do you have a cake everytime she goes through another 100,000 miles?

What is your tally on replacing major components? You mentioned gear box number 2........

Engine block

Replacement Cylinder head

Replacement Gearbox



Water pumps

Fuel pump


To boldly go where no other ERA owner has gone before........... 300,000 miles!


an old original
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Re: Just for a change....

Post by an old original » Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:57 pm

Right, you asked for it...here we go....

Engines.. 4
1) 1990 from new 0 - 60,000 miles replaced in..
2) ..1993 new short motor by Rover - did 60k - 140k reconditioned in
3) ..2003 by Somerfords 20 thou rebore plus bits - did 140k - 190k, recond. locally in..
4) ..2011 by Cornish cowboys, now 60 thou over and just 10k later sounding like a tractor on a bad day. Only being outdone in the volume stakes by the gearbox/transfer gears...

Gearbox.. 4
1) from new - about 1994 then some gear bush or other slid out so could go up/down i.e. 1 - 2 but not left/right i.e. 2 - 3 (not really a new box but it was still a £800 bill)
2) 1994 - 1996 then transfer gear tried to escape its housing by chewing through it, 'box recond. whilst out
3)1996 - 2004 then stripped half the teeth off 2nd
4)2004 - current but on the way........

The transfer and 2nd gear incidents were primarily caused by towing a boat. http://www.dart18.com An 18' racing catamaran I used to sail at various meets with my ex. So there was me, her, boat and all the gear for 2 for a weeks sailing/holiday. Length from tow hitch to rear of the boat on the trailer, about 21' and about 7'4" wide, 'twas FUN!!! Especially when over taking stuff on the motorways!!

Cylinder head only 1 replaced back in 1990 under warranty - see water pump - you get the picture

Turbo only on no.2 - done with the last engine @ 2011

Water pump again only 1 changed and that was done under warranty!!! @ 1990

Fuel pump - a couple - tend to get knackered through crap getting sucked through

Sub frames -
front - only replaced when got bent 'round the front end of a bus @1991 on the same one since
rear - get this, again only on the second one! This one has been on since @ 1997/8

Clutch only on number 2 or 3

There have been loads of other stuff over the years, radius arms, steering racks, seat belts, fuel tanks, usual joints bearings etc. and this will probably change again next week ...MOT time...

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Location: Tadley, Hampshire, UK

Re: Just for a change....

Post by robr1006 » Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:27 pm

Thank you for such a detailed answer!

I find your real experience very interesting, some of the things I had expected you to have replaced multiple times you have not. For instance, I had always understood the reliability of a standard ERA to be compromised in 2 areas: Cooling leading to blown head gaskets and cracked valve seats resulting in replacement heads and the size and nature of the engine torque wreaking havoc on clutch and gearbox. I suspect this is because you drive your car correctly.

The other area where I have heard differing opinions is turbo seals and the use of fully synthetic oil or not - clearly whatever oil and service routine you have used is the way to go.

What timing value are you using with todays petrol? I think the manual in 1989 was about 8deg, mine detonated at 14deg!!! so it was set on the rolling road to 11deg.

Thank you for sharing your experiences with us and good luck for the M.O.T.!

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