
Share Pictures Of Your ERA Mini Turbo's Here.
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Post by deanojr7 » Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:35 pm

20150606_122912 new.jpg
20150606_122912 new.jpg (34.65 KiB) Viewed 22568 times

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Re: r1037

Post by robr1006 » Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:09 pm

An interesting letter - difficult to read but it appears to be from the first owner of r1037 (Current owner??) trying to get an ERA register going. Perhaps that is how this site came to be created - perhaps someone could write the story here so that we know!

Mr Evans appears to have run a Mini club in Hampshire so may well have been well connected in Mini Circles.

I can not read the date on the letter but deduce that it was written in about 1990/91 before ERA closed, since he talks of a 2000 production run.......

The irony is we still do not know where all the ERAs are!

Posts: 45
Joined: Sat Nov 20, 2010 5:42 pm

Re: r1037

Post by deanojr7 » Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:40 pm

I was trying to get the whole letter in,but was difficult to read so tried 2 post still hard to read i agrea .

I have had the letter over 20 years came with the car,just need to find the time and the know how to put them properly on the site as before the letters fade as they are on old fax type paper.

From memory iam sure there is an article i think in the Mini world of a photo shoot of 3 ERA together and a big write up .
white ERA ,Green ERA ,and i think a RED ERA.The Green ERA is the guy who wrote this letter

Its one of the early Mini worlds you will know if you see it, if i have chance to look through i will let you know

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